
Arise shine

Last night the western hemisphere experienced a sombre, bloody moon. It was a full lunar eclipse..

Joel 2:31, speaks of the great and terrible day of judgment that is coming on the earth in the signs of a darkened sun and a bloodied moon. I also recall Isaiah’s words, which I express through an ancient poem:

“Arise shine for thy light is come
Hark, ‘tis the prophet of the skies;
proclaims redemption is near.
The night of death, and bondage flies,
the dawning tints appear.
Zion from deepest shades of gloom
Awakes to glorious day.”

Two themes use similar symbols. The reflected light of the moon in eclipse portends a time of trouble, whilst reflected light, as in the moon, also reflects the response of the church to a soon and coming King.

The Psalmists repeatedly refer to the horse and rider going down, but the righteous going up. There is something of that in the prophetic heart of God right now.

Many believers have been really downcast in the past few years, overwhelmed by difficulties and diverse struggles of diverse kinds. But the light of the righteous was never dulled, nor did it fade in those dark days. Indeed, the light of the righteous has never faded for all of history, for darkness shall never prevail against the light.

But now, as believers push through and recover from the long night, the light of the righteous is shining brighter and brighter until that perfect day. But another light is fading.

The enlightenment of our age, the wisdom of our world and all its dreams of greatness, is fading. The bloody moon speaks of fading glories. All the battles of history and the triumphs of human civilization face a titanic struggle. The climax of the ages, as prophesied by the bible, is at hand. The world is losing its grip on world events.

There is danger everywhere. The world economy is on edge, the Middle-East is about to explode, nuclear weapons are falling into the hands of terrible despots and madness is breaking out across the earth. The light of reason and goodwill is fading and the love of many is growing cold.

But the church is at the threshold of her greatest hour and is adorned for her bridegroom. Salvation is breaking out and a time of greatness is on us. So Arise, Shine, for your Light has come, and the glory of God is risen on you.”

Don’t put your confidence in the world or its systems, for their time of judgment is come. You are not of this world, for they that believe in Him, “seek a kingdom, whose builder and maker is God.”

(c) Peter Eleazar at

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