

Swirling mists, stinging cordite:
streaming eyes pursue the light.
Young hearts, open ground
burst of fire, cannons pound.
Surge through fiery breech,
rise from burning beach.
Mounting up on solid rock,
breathless shaking shock …
Pipes sound, flags unfurl;
the ground holds, it is well.
Look beyond, it’s just begun
Now this evil overcome.

Across the gulf, a shout,
stirs fear and troubled doubt.
Ragged battle lines are drawn,
watch as giant meets fragile pawn
Strong men cower on victory mound,
huddled stand, uncertain ground.
“His fight’s not won, until I fall”,
the dread giant makes his call.
Another cry from yonder rock,
cuts across the giant’s mock.
Stone cuts through air and brow
So it ends, the foe is cowed.

(c) Peter Eleazar at

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