
I know when Jesus is returning

My youngest son came to me today to tell me he had a dream. The dream suggested that he knew when Jesus would return, that spring had come. As Danny is already showing prophetic inclinations that have been confirmed in a number of ways, I take things like this seriously.

He is right - we can know when Jesus is going to return.

Okay, lets be fair: I don't know the exact time or date, not even Jesus does - only the Father knows the times and seasons.

However, Jesus confirmed in the gospels, that just as we can read the signs of the weather and know when it is going to rain, so we can read the signs of the times and know that His return is near.

Paul simply said that His return was nearer than when we first believed. But that was 2,000 years ago. It is now very much nearer and the stage is now set for the climax of the ages, the fulfilment of prophecy.

The events in the middle east, covered separately under my "Prophetic News Commentary", point to a rapid development of a dangerous Islamic axis that would link the world's most powerful and populous nations with the middle east, including the US, Europe, Russia, India, China and the Arab world. That accounts for over 3billion people, implicating the majority of the world.

The alignment of Islamic nations from Afghanistan to Israel, including Pakistan, has been largely due to US foreign policy and George Bush's disastrous intervention in Iraq. The world always warned that, whilst the US would win the initial war, they would be left with an unsustainable long-term crisis - which is exactly what has happened.

However, the bible predicted all that is happening right now, including the maturing of the current Russian-Iranian alliance and the eventual intervention of China. The greatest motive for these intrusions relates to power. Oil may well be substituted in consumer markets, with solar or electric power. But you can only run complex military formations on oil - oil and the lack thereof has the ability to define the military prowess of nations and is fast becoming a non-negotiable demand commodity.

The only thing that the oil rich, mid-east nations (Iraq has 25% of world reserves) would trade for oil rights, is Israel - and Israel sits on the western fringe of the emerging Islamic axis.

These events all come at a time when US economic and military dominance is on the wane, with Russia, China, India and other nations growing in military capability. All players have nuclear stockpiles, so the stage is set for a major meltdown.

So, yes, I really believe that Jesus is coming soon.

(c) Peter Eleazar at

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