"Oh," the little boy replied, head bowed. Looking up, he said, "may I borrow $9.00 please?" The father was angry. "You just need my money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense. Think about why you're being so selfish. I work hard everyday and don't have time for childish games."
The boy quietly went to his room and shut the door. The father soon regretted his harshness and went to his son. "I was too hard on you earlier," said the man. "I am just tired, but here's that $9.00 you asked for."
The little boy sat straight up, beaming. "Oh, thanks dad" he yelled.Then, reaching under his pillow, he pulled out some more crumpled up bills. The man, seeing that the boy already had money, started to get angry again. The little boy slowly counted out his money, then looked up at the man.
"Why did you want more money if you already had some?" the father grumbled. "Because I didn't have enough, but now I do," the little boy replied. "Daddy, I have $20.00 now. Can I buy an hour of your time?"
Ever wonder what God would have to do to get an hour of your time?
Source: world bible school
Image: fountains of time by Lorado Tuft
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