
Giving the finger to God, a sign of the dark times we are now entering into

Some time ago I was in the Louvre museum, enjoying a Renaissance section of the museum, when my eye caught a very offensive gesture in a crucifixion scene. Off to one side, a bystander in the crowd had raised his hand to flex a rude hand signal to the dying Christ. I have tried searching for the painting in question, to no avail, but it is out there somewhere.

I think it was on the same trip where I saw a Muslim in Hyde Park, wipe his backside on the bible. The act may have been symbolic, but the gesture carried a full weight of meaning.

There was a time when such offences were frowned on by society in general. Nowadays, if anyone dared say a word out of place about Mohammed they would be in quick and serious trouble. Indeed, so sensitive has the world become to the Muslim cause, that US authorities have approved a mosque within sight of ground zero. I don't want to debate that, but I am concerned by the way that everyone is so desperate to appease Islam, whilst having no concern about blasphemous use of the name of Jesus in movies or the offensive portrayal of our Saviour in gay or lewd contexts. 

Okay, so far so bad, but let me say again that the battle lines are now forming, around the only legitimate force of God that the hordes of darkness have ever really feared. Ultimately the devil and his minions will war against Christ and His armies on the great plains of Megiddo, to bring all the evil in the earth to a final climax. However, that battle line is emerging even as I speak. Whatever our perspectives, know that satan and his followers fully respect the threat that Jesus poses, so much so that they will even try to present a forged version of the Christ to the world. That is how far they are willing to go to distract humanity from the truth.

The world is no longer weighing the balances as it negotiates moral sensitivities, it is all but bulldozing through everything that is right and good. The storm clouds are gathering and a great darkness is starting to creep over the face of the earth. 

Make no mistake, this war will not be about your denomination or dogma or other deviations, it will squarely relate to Jesus, the risen, conquering king, who is preparing to make war against all unrighteousness. The same, fearful king will soon ride out to tread the winepress of God's wrath. As that time nears, believers all around the earth will either stand united by their testimony, or they will, by default, fall to the other side.

There will be no middle ground or the neutral lands so long treasured by some nations.  He will spew the lukewarm and indifferent out of His mouth. It is going to be all or nothing. I predict that a percentage of all believers who read this will eventually find themselves on the wrong side of the great Harvester's sickle, for a strong, seducing spirit of delusion is starting to sweep across the multitudes, causing many to stumble over the moral and ethical issues of our generation.

This year alone has seen the world's worst floods, the strongest magnitude earthquake, the worst earthquake disaster, raging fires, soaring summer temperatures and the emergence of super bugs. Yet, rather than repent, the growing crises are evidently raising the ante, resulting in the kind of offences against God that are best described as giving the finger to heaven. Heaven help this generation if that is so, for it is a fearsome thing to fall into the hands of a Living God.    

(c) Peter Eleazar @

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